Love in Real Life

The route to parenthood looks different for 1 in 6 of us, but many people still don’t understand that the process is not as simple as – getting married, buying a house, and then having a child. To shine a light on how modern-day families are changing, we have developed the Love in Real Life series.

Love in Real Life shares some of our patient's emotional and real journeys to parenthood, hoping they will help others navigate the same path. 

Love in Real Life: Lucy and David's Journey

Love in Real Life: Niamh and Gordon's Story

Niamh and Gordon are speaking about their journey to parenthood as part of the Sims Love In Real Life campaign which aims to highlight how unique the journey to parenthood is and how many people don’t realise that one in six couples will experience infertility.

In this article, Niamh shares her emotional and real journey to parenthood, hoping it will help others navigate the same path. 💜

Read Niamh and Gordon's Story here.

Love in Real Life

Coming Soon 

Dr Marta consult

Are you struggling with your fertility or need advice?

One in six Irish couples experience trouble conceiving.

If you have been trying to conceive for more than 12 months (or six months if you’re over 35 years of age) without success, we recommend you book an appointment with a fertility specialist.

same sex female couple

Would you like to share your journey?

If you would like to help inspire others and provide hope to those on their fertility journey. We would love to hear from you. By speaking openly about fertility, we can help break down barriers and stigma and help others on their path.