Fertility Tests
One in six Irish couples experience trouble conceiving.
If you have been trying to conceive for more than 12 months (or six months if you’re over 35 years of age) without success, we recommend you book an appointment with a fertility specialist.
Fertility tests typically involve investigations for both the male and female partner, along with taking a comprehensive medical history. The results of these investigations will be used to make a diagnosis and recommendations for treatment if required

Fertility Assessment Package
A panel of tests designed to give you an overview of your current fertility status. Ideal for couples or individuals who have recently started trying to conceive or who are considering trying for a baby in the future.

Female Fertility Tests
A combination of blood tests and ultrasound scans can help identify issues such as PCOS or endometriosis, as well as ensuring you’re ovulating normally.

Male Fertility Tests
Assessment of male fertility is primarily achieved through a semen analysis.