IVF for Over 35 – The benefits of Genetic Testing
Research shows that one in six couples will struggle with their fertility when trying to conceive. Studies also show us that for women over 35, there may be more obstacles to face when trying to conceive naturally due eggs naturally declining as a women age. This can cause problems such as genetic abnormalities which unfortunately can lead to miscarriages.
At Sims IVF, we want to support every patient and assist in providing patients with the best chances of having a successful pregnancy.
Whilst there are many options available for women with IVF, we also specialise in providing services that are dedicated to helping women who may be of an advanced maternal age, have had previous pregnancies with chromosomal abnormalities, a history of reccurring miscarriages, or repeated IVF failure.
Specialised Treatment Options
PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy)
PGT-A is a specialised diagnostic technique that can be used to test embryos for a chromosomal abnormality. This technique offers an earlier test than alternative ante-natal screening tests which are normally offered between 11-14 weeks of pregnancy.
Studies have shown that, in some cases, difficulty in achieving a pregnancy can be caused by losses or increases in the number of chromosomes in the embryo. Therefore, if you find yourself having difficulties in achieving pregnancy, this could be a good option to investigate with your consultant.
Sims IVF also provides options such as PGT-M and PGT-SR.
PGT-M can be used for diagnosis of a genetic disease or condition in embryos prior to implantation or pregnancy. It may be suitable for some couples or individuals who are at risk of transmitting an inherited disease to their children – such as Cystic Fibrosis.
PGT-SR can be used to help identify embryos with the correct amount of chromosomal material that are most likely to lead to a successful pregnancy and healthy live birth. PGT-SR is available for carriers of balanced reciprocal translocations, Robertsonian translocations, inversions, and other complex chromosome rearrangements.
Can PGT-A help me get pregnant?
To find out whether PGT-A can help you fall pregnant, please book an appointment with a Sims IVF fertility specialist.