• Dr. Sara consult

    Our brand new egg donation offering!

    This programme provides anonymous donors, and there is travel involved for the patients. Sims IVF provides satellite services only for your treating clinic

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Travel Abroad Egg Donation

This programme provides anonymous donors, and there is travel involved for the patients. Sims IVF provides satellite services only for your treating clinic, Next Fertility in Valencia. Embryo creation must happen before your 50th birthday, and transfer before 51st birthday.

clonkseagh reception


Guarantee 1-5 embryos frozen & transferred depending on package.

Mandy lab


Testing and scans in Sims IVF

Travel for semen freeze

Travel for transfers

Sims Dublin clinic


Sims IVF provides satellite services only.

Next Fertility Valencia are the treating clinic.



Packages price range €6,170 - €15,870